Makadara Law Courts Gun Drama: Magistrate Wounded, Police Killed

A senior police officer was shot and killed on Thursday after he shot and wounded a magistrate at the Makadara Law Courts in Nairobi.

Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti was attacked in the court shortly after delivering a ruling in a case involving the officer's wife. The shooter has been identified as Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, 55, OCS Londiani. His wife, Jennifer Wairimu, 48, was accused of obtaining Ksh.2.9 million through false pretense. The officer had traveled to Nairobi to attend his wife's case, where she sought release pending a hearing and determination.

The court session was held in a tent outside the main court precincts. After the magistrate ruled on the matter, the officer went behind the tent and shot her, according to Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei.

Sh2.9 million Case

"His wife, Jennifer Wairimu, 48, was accused of obtaining money under false pretenses amounting to Sh2.9 million," part of the report seen by the Nation states.

"She had requested to be released on cash bail, which the court denied. The officer entered the courtroom through the magistrate's door and fired shots at the magistrate, injuring her in the chest and left hip."

Detectives reported that the officer was then confronted and fatally shot by a fellow officer present in the court.

Three other officers were injured during the incident: Augustine Michael Kithumbi was hit in the left eye, Maureen Lepes sustained a gunshot wound to the left leg, and Eunice Macharia was injured on the left hand.

Jericho Pistol

"All the injured were rushed to the hospital in stable condition. A Jericho pistol was recovered at the scene, and the deceased officer's body was moved to City Mortuary awaiting autopsy."

Sources mentioned that an argument ensued between the officer and court orderlies before he opened fire on the magistrate.

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya stated that the incident occurred during an open court session.

"The magistrate canceled the bond for an accused person (the officer’s wife) who had jumped bond and failed to provide satisfactory explanations. Immediately after this decision, a person (the officer) shot the magistrate, injuring her on the hip."

Preliminary reports indicate that the shooter was married to the suspect.

Probe Begins

"As the Judiciary family, we wish our colleague a quick recovery and send our condolences to the officer's family who lost their loved one in this unfortunate incident," the statement read.

"We urge all court users to remain calm as law enforcement agencies investigate this incident further."

At the time of publication, homicide detectives from Buru Buru were at the court precincts, beginning their investigation.

"We assure all judicial officers, staff, and court users of their safety and security in all our premises. We will enhance our security protocols for civilians visiting our courts as well as for security officers in circumstances that do not require them to be armed," Mokaya stated.

Reportedly, the accused was in court for a fraud case. She said she missed several court dates due to her cancer. She has been in hospital hence not appeared severally in court. She came today while still on Oxygen. 

However, the magistrate canceled her bond for missing court sessions and ordered her to stay in jail until June 27. This led the accused to call her husband, who arrived enraged and armed shot her and was equally shot dead.

DCIO detectives have arrived at the Makadara Law Courts and cordoned off the area. All court activities scheduled for the day have been suspended.

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